Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Re-Focusing A Little

Hey there, friends and followers!

I haven't posted in a while. Sorry for that. I have a lot going on, but surprisingly not much to say lately! (Although I doubt my significant other would believe that last part! :)) But don't worry, I have not abandoned my blog. I'm only trying to re-focus some things.

One of the things I am re-focusing is my Etsy shop. I still haven't figured out what I enjoy making the most. I love working with different materials and making all sorts of projects and items. As a result, my Etsy shop has no real direction. While I have made some sales through my shop, I think it needs more focus. But I'm not ready to throw in the towel on allowing myself to do a lot of different stuff for my shop. So My solution - open a second shop with one specialty to focus on. And that's what I did! I opened a second Etsy shop for just my plaster of Paris items, since I seemed to have had  a lot of those in my first shop. The shop is similar to the first one, for now. The only real difference is that is has more focus, which was the goal. This shop is called PoP Expressions. The PoP is for Plaster of Paris. Check it out when you have a chance!

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